The best techniques for storing merchandise

The storage of merchandise is nothing more than the location of the products manufactured or acquired by a company in places suitable for their conservation.

The three main storage methods

Conventional: Arranged in vertical racks with regulated heights of no more than 8 meters, with handling through retractable mast forklifts.

On Platform or Mechanized: designed in such a way that the accesses are directed manually or automatically, according to the locations by platform, row and column.

In block or in bulk: The storage of merchandise in block consists of stacking the products on the ground, and it is used for merchandise that, due to its fragility, dimensions or type of packaging, cannot be stored on pallets. This method has the advantage of not needing additional shelves or structures, but it must be taken into account that it limits the total use of space.

The types of storage according to their rotation

Establishing the type of product rotation will help you to have more which of the different types of storage is the most suitable for your business. We must take into account two main variables:

- What is the speed of rotation?
- What are the characteristics of the merchandise

Slow rotation
It is about that type of non-perishable and expensive merchandise of which there is not a large number of sales, but a large or medium inventory.

​Fast rotation
They are all those perishable and/or low-cost products that are usually sold in large quantities.

Las mejores técnicas de almacenar la mercancía

Storage types

Covered storage: Storage with a roof, ideal for all types of sensitive merchandise and for merchandise packed in cardboard, it is advisable to have ventilation or refrigeration systems.

Open field storage: Outdoor storage, ideal for material that is not sensitive to the sun and moisture.

Storage by Structure: Once your need has been established, it is easy to determine which infrastructures are adapted to your merchandise.

High ceiling storage: Warehouses whose ceilings exceed four meters in height, are ideal for those who intend to use the conventional method of storing merchandise.

Single storey storage: These warehouses are usually located inside urban areas and their height does not exceed 4 meters. It is ideal for high turnover, perishable products and those that use the block storage method.

At Terra Logistika we take care of finding the best storage option according to the demands and needs of your company. In addition to insuring your merchandise, we take care of its distribution at a low cost and always complying with professionalism and quality standards. 

How to apply reverse logistics correctly
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